Variable Dictionary

The following tables provide a description of the variables included in the different datasets. The sources used in the collection of each variable are listed here in a separate column. For a more detailed and precise source documentation, see Sources.


Variable Description
name Name of politician
name_wikitag Wikipedia tag for politician’s name (URL)
birthplace Birthplace of politician
birthplace_wikitag Wikipedia tag for birthplace (URL)
birthplace_lat Latitude of birthplace as determined by geocoding
birthplace_lon Longitude of birthplace as determined by geocoding
birthplace_region Region birthplace is located in
birthplace_subregion Subregion birthplace is located in
birthplace_country Country birthplace is located in
birthplace_country_id ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for country birthplace is located in
birthplace_state State birthplace is located in
birthplace_state_id ISO 3166-2 code for state birthplace is located in
birthplace_city City birthplace is located in
birthdate Formatted birthdate of politician
gender Gender of politician


Variable Description
id URL + State + Term
name_wikitag Wikipedia tag for politician’s name (URL)
constituency Constituency the politician represents
mandate Method of winning seat (direct mandate or via party list)
voteshare Percentage of votes received by politician
landtag_state State where politician was elected
landtag_state_abb Abbreviation for state where politician was elected
electoralperiod Electoral period during which politician served
term_start Constituent meeting of the electoral period
term_end Day before the constituent meeting of the next electoral period


Variable Name Description
id URL + State + Term
name_wikitag Wikipedia tag for politician’s name (URL)
party Party of the politician
gender Politicians gender
cabinet Name of the cabinet
ministry Government ministry
ministry_clean Cleaned and formatted goverment ministry
position Position held by the politician
position_clean Cleaned and formatted position held by the politician
economy Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles economic affairs
environment Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles environmental affairs
education Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles education affairs
science Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles science affairs
infrastructure Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles infrastructure affairs
health Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles health affairs
justice Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles justice affairs
agriculture Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles agriculture affairs
culture_leisure Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles culture and leisure affairs
technology Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles technology affairs
state_chancellery Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles state chancellery affairs
regional Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles regional affairs
family Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles family affairs
migration Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles migration affairs
genderequality Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles gender equality affairs
social Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles social affairs
international Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles international affairs
interior Binary variable indicating if the ministry handles interior affairs
start_date Start date of government role
end_date End date of government role
landtag_state_abb Abbreviation of the state
electoralperiod Electoral period


Variable Description
id URL + State + Term
name_wikitag Wikipedia tag for politician’s name (URL)
ppg Political party/faction of the politician
ppg_id Cleaned and formatted party/faction of the politician
start_date Date the politician started being part of the faction
end_date Date the politician ended being part of the faction
landtag_state_abb Abbreviation of the state
electoralperiod Electoral period


Variable Description
id URL + State + Term
name_wikitag Wikipedia tag for politician’s name (URL)
ppg Political party/faction of the politician
ppg_id Cleaned and formatted party/faction of the politician
position Position held by the politician.
position_id Identifier for each position in the data.
start_date Start date of board role
end_date End date of board role
landtag_state_abb Abbreviation of the state
electoralperiod Electoral period


Variable Description
id URL + State + Term
name_wikitag Wikipedia tag for politician’s name (URL)
position Position held by the person
position_id Cleaned and formatted position held by the politician
start_date Start date of the position
end_date End date of the position
landtag_state_abb Abbreviation of the state
electoralperiod Electoral period


Variable Name Description
id URL + State + Term
name_wikitag Wikipedia tag for politician’s name (URL)
committee The name of the committee.
agriculture Binary variable indicating if the committee handles agriculture affairs
committee_of_inquiry Binary variable indicating if the committee is a committee of inquiry
culture_sports_leisure Binary variable indicating if the committee handles culture, sports, and leisure affairs
economy_finance Binary variable indicating if the committee handles economy and finance affairs
education_science Binary variable indicating if the committee handles education and science affairs
environment Binary variable indicating if the committee handles environment affairs
family_youth_children Binary variable indicating if the committee handles family, youth, and children affairs
genderequality Binary variable indicating if the committee handles gender equality affairs
health Binary variable indicating if the committee handles health affairs
infrastructure Binary variable indicating if the committee handles infrastructure affairs
interior Binary variable indicating if the committee handles interior affairs
international Binary variable indicating if the committee handles international affairs
justice Binary variable indicating if the committee handles justice affairs
migration Binary variable indicating if the committee handles migration affairs
regional Binary variable indicating if the committee handles regional affairs
social Binary variable indicating if the committee handles social affairs
technology Binary variable indicating if the committee handles technology affairs
main_committee Binary variable indicating if the committee is the main committee
position Position held by the politician.
position_id Identifier for each position in the data.
start_date Start date of the position.
end_date End date of the position.
landtag_state_abb Abbreviation of the state
electoralperiod Electoral period